Sunday, October 10, 2010


I found slave narratives written in the late 1930's, about the time period I am researching. It is interesting to read their opinions. Many of them say that slavey wasn't "all that bad" or that the present times are going pretty well too. It seems as though they can't imagine having equal opportunities. I want to compare these narratives with some of the 2nd generation share croppers thoughts.


  1. Hey!

    Great find! I read a couple of the quotes and they seem to be really nice types of evidence. It's always so interesting to read what those before us wrote or spoke. I love it!
    Good luck with everything!

  2. Remember to treat these narratives the same way we did when we looked at the oral histories on Thursday. Not everything they say is necessarily what they really believe. Do you know who is interviewing these people? This could be important information as well. Remember to analyze, analyze, and analyze!
